Our Employee Code of Conduct policy refers to the expectations that the business has from its employees regarding their behaviour towards their colleagues, supervisors and overall organisation.

Although we promote freedom of expression and open communication practices all employees are still obliged to follow a code of appropriate conduct established by the business. It is essential for the avoidance of giving offence, participating in serious disputes and disrupting the workplace. It is also important to project a truthful image of a well-organised, respectful and collaborative environment.


This policy applies to all prospective or current employees of the business regardless of employment agreement or rank.

Policy elements persons under the business’ employment are bound by the terms of their contract to adhere to specific guidelines applicable to every work-related space and during the fulfilment of their duties. All employees are obliged to know the Employee Code of Conduct and follow its prescripts.

Compliance with Law

All employees are obliged to protect the legality of the business by complying to the legal guidelines under which it is bound. These guidelines refer to all environmental, safety and fair dealing dictations of the local and international law as well as the business policy for social corporate responsibility. In addition to these, all employees are obliged to refrain from unlawful or offensive behaviour against the business where its finances, products, partnerships or public image are concerned.

Respect in the workplace

All employees are bound by the equal opportunity policy of the business. They are obliged to behave in a respectful manner towards their colleagues and strictly refrain from any kind of discriminatory behaviour, harassment or victimisation. This applies to all aspects of the workplace from the recruitment and evaluation processes to interpersonal relations between employees. The business has no tolerance for this kind of behaviour and disciplinary actions will be taken when appropriate.

Protection of Business Property

All employees are expected to treat the property of the business, whether material or intangible, with respect and care. The equipment of the business must not be misused or used frivolously. All kinds of incorporeal property, including law-binding creations such as trademarks and copyright, as well as other elements for which it retains ownership (information, reports etc.) are to be respected and used only within the rights accompanying the duties of each position. The business’ facilities and other material property (e.g. business cars) must not be damaged or vandalised with an employee’s responsibility. Such actions will invoke disciplinary and/or legal action in cases of voluntary violation.


All employees must abide to certain rules that show integrity and high quality professionalism while executing their duties in the workplace. The following include the business’ expectations from its employees:

  1. Personal Appearance
    All employees must follow the dress code and personal appearance guidelines of the business as outlined in the official policy. Non-conformity will be met with disapproval and the employee will have to change their conduct to meet the business’ standards
  2. Corruption
    Employees are actively discouraged from accepting gifts from clients or partners and strictly prohibited to accept briberies for the benefit of any external or internal party. Such behavior may invoke legal actions that will be damaging for both parties responsible
  3. Job duties and Authority
    All employees must pay attention to their job duties and fulfil them with integrity and respect towards the customers, stakeholders and community. Supervisors and managers are prohibited from abusing their authority but are expected to delegate duties to their subordinates with respect to their competences and workload. Mentoring and motivating are actively encouraged. All employees are expected to follow supervisor’s instructions and execute all of their duties as assigned with skill and in a timely manner.
  4. Absenteeism and Tardiness
    An important element that shows the professionalism of an employee is the degree to which they adhere to established schedules. This does not refer to occasional discrepancies that an employee might face that prevent them from following standard working hours or days, but rather a uniform stance towards the expected times of arrival and departure from work, as well as the amount of time someone spends on the execution of their duties.
  5. Conflict of Interest
    All employees are expected to avoid any personal, financial or other interests that might hinder their capability or willingness to perform their job duties or be damaging to the business. Any situation voluntary or involuntary that might be perceived as conflict of interest must be reported to the appropriate manager.
  6. Collaboration
    All employees are expected to maintain a climate of friendliness and harmony and endeavor not to disrupt the workplace for the execution of their duties or present obstacles to the work of their colleagues. It is important to respect others’ work and efforts. All employees are encouraged to work collaboratively when applicable.
  7. Communication
    All employees must be open for communication with their colleagues, supervisors or subordinates. It is important that any employee in the workplace can refer to another so that their work as well as work conditions can be as productive and problem-free as possible.
  8. Benefits
    All employees are discouraged from abusing the benefits provided to them by the business. This can refer to time off granted to an employee for a specific reason (e.g. sick leave), insurance, facilities, subscriptions or other benefits that the business offers.
  9. Policies
    All employees are obliged to be aware of and follow all the established policies that have been created by the business and apply to the procedures, benefits and relations of the workplace.

Disciplinary Actions

Failure to comply with any part of the Code of Conduct’s guidelines will result in appropriate disciplinary action. The party responsible for non-compliance will be subject to repercussions that vary regarding the severity of the violation. Possible consequences will include reprimand, detraction of benefits for a definite or indefinite time, demotion, suspension or termination for more serious offences. Legal action may have to be pursued in cases of corruption, theft, embezzlement or other unlawful behaviour.



Name: Darwin Ramble
Role: MD
Date: 16/11/2021
Signature: R Ramlal

Next Review: 16/11/2022
Version: 1.0